Thursday, 3 September 2009

Partners exchange details of upcoming events

Numerous and diverse sums up the number and scope of the projects the Hamburg and Region Build with CaRe partners are working on.

On Wednesday 2 September 2009 representatives of six Build with CaRe partners (TUHH, G19, I-SH, IBA, ZEBAU, AZB) from Hamburg and Schleswig Holstein met to provide each other with an overview of initiatives planned by each organisation relating to Build with Care.

A representative of each organisation stood up in turn and presented the details. Each element was summed up on a slip of paper which the speaker attached to a pinboard under one of six headings:

(i) the overarching event the initiatives related to, (ii) details of any related exhibition, (iii) related workshops or information stands, (iv) publicity materials, (v) the outcomes for vocational training, (vi) the scope offered for visits.

Attendees were pleasantly suprised by the number (see photo at the top of this post) and scope of initiatives this activity revealed.

The presentation method also showed there was overlap in events planned and that therefore much could be achieved by joint working and promotion, for example by including details and links of relevant events, on the partners' websites.

Further outcomes were:

(a) an agreement that such meetings were mutually beneficial, that they should take place regularly and often (every three to four months), be kept short (maximum two hours) and that partners should take it in turn to host them. All attendees agreed that there might be occasions on which additional, sponteous, meetings would be appropriate and beneficial,

b)the international nature of work packages, 1, 3, 4, to which the partner were working, should be highlighted as far as was possible , but that this would be difficult with relation to work package 2 as the information related to regional matters.

ZEBAU will host the next meeting in February 2010.

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