Friday, 13 November 2009

Multiple City - or how to recycle an exhibition

At the HamburgMuseum (but only until 15 November 2009) is an interesting exhibition called Multiple City - Stadtkonzepte 1908-2008 // Hamburg.

It was developed and displayed in Munich. However Hamburg has borrowed it and extended it to make it relevant to the north German city state.

The additional displays incorporate photos, original newspaper and magazine cuttings, and hands-on models. They cover topics such as how industrial architechure has been preserved and found new uses, for example as arts centres such as Hafenklang and the former Theodor Zeise factory which made marine screw propellers; the floods of 1962, since when the city's defences have been extended and improved; and the occupation by students and others in the 70s and 80s, of buildings due to be demolished to make way for impersonal and high density constructions, with the result that Hamburg has retained some of its character.

A small section considers the new threat to the city's character - how to retrofit energy-conserving measures without destroying the facades or the internal characteristics of historical or otherwise interesting buildings.

A talk, 'Wärmeschutztapeten für historische Fassaden? Energieeinsparung und Stadtbildererhaltung' ('Protection against climate change for historic frontages - Reconciling energy conservation and the preservation of the cityscape') at the Museum, on Wednesday 18 November, will cover this topic.

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